Sunday School Classes and Small Groups
Sunday School & Small Groups are an essential part of our church, as they provide a place where connection, support, and fellowship are fostered. Getting plugged into a class or group helps you to find your place and your people, and creates an environment for deeper spiritual growth.
Women's Ministry
To join a small group or to learn more about the Women’s Ministry at FMCC, please email We enjoy devotion and fellowship time together. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet others in our church, and grow in faith and fellowship. Women of all ages are welcome and encouraged to join. We hope you’ll join us and invite a friend!
Men's Ministry
First Methodist Men meet year-round on Thursday mornings from 7 – 8 a.m. at The FMCC Annex, 200 Progress Rd. Collierville, TN 38017. We will have breakfast (bring your own coffee), a short time of Bible study and devotion, followed by a time of prayer.
FMM hold breakfast gatherings, one Saturday a month, at The Annex. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter for more information or contact